November 2006 Committee Report

During the year, 2006, the Town of Plaistow contracted with Wetlands Preservation, Inc. to flag all wetlands to the rear of the Complex in preparation for future expansion. Additionally, Building Inspector (Committee Member) Michael Dorman and Chief Savage met on site with the State of New Hampshire Environmental Services to discuss removal of the current drainage pond beside the Fire Department. D.E.S. agreed to work with Wetlands Preservation, Inc. and advised that mitigating the pond should pose no problems.

Also, the Town hired S.E. Cummings, Inc. to survey the boundary of the Complex site and to develop a site plan. HKT Architects, Inc. agreed to work with Cummings on future plans. In November, new Town Manager Jason Hoch, Michael Dorman and Chief Savage met with HKT Architects to refocus the thrust of the Committee, to discuss development of a formal building footprint, and to advise that positive discussions were ongoing with the property owner at the rear of the Complex and Cemetery about acquisitions of some abutting property.

It is important to note that all fees for services to date have been or will be paid by Public Safety Complex Impact Fees charged to developers, and not by taxpayers. The meeting concluded with a plan to convene a formal, full committee meeting at the end of this current budget process.

The tentative future plan is to request funding for a full set of architectural drawings in FY2008 and then to request a bond for construction in FY2009 after the last payment on the Library Bond.