Dept.of Building Safety and Recreation Department have moved to their new location at 14 Elm Street and will be open for business Wed. 8/26/20. Business hours are Monday- Thursday 8:00 AM-4:00 PM

On Monday, August 24th and Tuesday August 25th , the Department of Building Safety & Inspection Services will be closed and not availabe for services. We will be moving to our new location at 14 Elm Street, Plaistow, NH. We will be back in service Wednesday, August 26th. The office hours are 8:00 am-4:00 pm Monday- Thursday. The building will open and we ask for your cooperation in following the COVID guidelines briefly outlined below:

Anyone experiencing symptoms of fever, cough, chills, shortness of breath, headache, muscle aches, sore throat, severe fatigue, or sudden change in sense of taste or smell are asked to stay home and come back another day when feeling better.

All patrons must wear face masks while in the building.

All patrons must use the provided hand sanitizer upon entry.

Physical distancing will be expected, and will be delegated with signage.

Those waiting outside must allow for social distancing.

For questions or concerns please email