Plaistow Housing Survey - Open House

Housing Open House Flyer

The Plaistow Planning Board, alongside the Rockingham Planning Commission, has been working hard to consider the future of housing in Plaistow. The first step was the Housing Preference Survey and that was successfully completed and has been summarized in the “Plaistow Housing Survey Summary Report”. (Click to review) The next step is going to involve some more public participation:

November 1, 2023 at the Plaistow Public Library in the Nelson Room the Plaistow Planning Board invites anyone who either lives or works in Plaistow to talk about housing. This is an open house style event from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm so stop in whenever you can. The goal of this event is to continue to educate residents on the planning process, solicit feedback, and work to develop some housing goals.

We hope you can join us and please spread the word. There will be light refreshments, good conversation, and educational materials. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Victoria Healey from RPC at or by calling her at 603-658-0523.